These adorable little boys are visiting from the Middle East. Care to guess what they are amazed by? Our grass! The little guy had never seen grass until this trip. It was so cute to see him cautiously walk up to it, pat it, pull it, smell it, and even try to eat it. He was okay if he was standing on the grass but he disliked sitting on it. Fine by me!
They have a very interesting mixture of heritage. They are half Dominican, one-quarter Chinese, and one-quarter black. Their skin was beautiful and they were such smart, strong little guys.
Their Mom, Wanda, contacted me a few months ago about scheduling a photo shoot during their Florida vacation. They were staying in Odessa which is quite close to me. We met one evening in my neighborhood in New Port Richey and played down by the lake. We had a lot of fun teasing and laughing together. The boys were very well-behaved and easy going.
The littler guy is about to have a birthday so we took a few playful, 1 year old birthday pictures at the end. Wanda saved a cupcake for the very end and let the little guy make a mess. Big Brother joined in, too. They really loved that!

*This is the same location as the pictures I took from the Foreign Exchange Student Photo Shoot, Gabi’s Senior Pictures, Five Year Old Photo Shoot, and more. It’s in the Watersedge community in New Port Richey – one of my favorite locations!