Palm Harbor Senior Pictures

Senior Pictures East Lake Florida

It was my great pleasure to spend a fun afternoon with M. and her mom at East Lake Woodlands golf course and John Chestnut Park in Palm Harbor, FL.  M. is a beautiful, bright senior with many musical, academic, and athletic talents.  Her smile was stunning and effortless.  She is a person that oozes joy and kindness.  You can’t help but feel happy around her.

This beautiful senior is on her school’s golf team.  We thought it would be fun to incorporate her hobby into her senior pictures.  It’s always fun for me to photograph at new locations, and I love when seniors incorporate personal pastimes.  After we finished up at the golf course we drove over to John Chestnut Park for some more fun.  I loved the bridges, trees, and water at John Chestnut Park in Palm Harbor, Fl!  M.’s clothing choices were beautiful and the lighting was spectacular.  We were able to capture some great shots!

Tarpon Springs Senior Pictures

Tarpon Springs Senior Pictures

Golf Senior Pictures
East Lake Senior Portraits
Senior Pictures East Lake Florida
Senior Pictures East Lake Florida
Tarpon Springs Senior Pictures
Tarpon Springs Senior Pictures

East Lake Senior Portraits

Tarpon Springs Senior Pictures


*These Tarpon Springs senior pictures were taken at East Lake Woodlands Golf Country Club in Oldsmar, Florida and John Chestnut Park in Palm Harbor, Florida.

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I’m Alicia!

I hope this will be a relaxing experience where you can feel at ease and yourself in front of my camera. Sessions are upbeat and fun so it will be an enjoyable experience for everyone! My goal is to get a great mixture of posed and playful pictures with a casual, comfortable feel.

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