West Virginia to Florida {Clearwater Senior Pictures}

This amazing senior came all the way from West Virginia for her senior pictures! She lives in a small town with only two photographers and not much variety in terms of locations. She said all the seniors in her high school have similar looking pictures and she wanted something more unique. So to Florida she came!

We met at a Clearwater beach with her “support group” (mom, sister, aunt, and friends) and we had a fabulous time! She had the most joyful smile and she was a fantastic natural poser. Best of luck to her as she begins her senior year of high school!

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater Beach Pictures

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater beach Senior Pictures

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater beach high school senior pictures

Clearwater Senior Pictures PHotographers

Clearwater Senior Pictures

Clearwater beach high school senior pictures

And her support group:

Clearwater beach high school senior pictures

*These high school senior pictures were taken at Sand Key Beach Park in Clearwater, FL.

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I’m Alicia!

I hope this will be a relaxing experience where you can feel at ease and yourself in front of my camera. Sessions are upbeat and fun so it will be an enjoyable experience for everyone! My goal is to get a great mixture of posed and playful pictures with a casual, comfortable feel.

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